Poodle Security Attack

Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communication security over the Internet. It is now superseded by Transport Layer Security or TLS. The Poodle attack allows a web criminal to intercept data that is being sent over the SSL3 connection. Not only can he or she intercept the data, but the web criminal can also inject their own data into the connection, making the website believe that it came from the browser. Likewise, it makes the browser believe that malicious data comes from the web server. POODLE is short for Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption. It is a protocol flaw and not related to implementation. It means that irrespective of how SSL3 is implemented by browsers or hosts, the flaw will be there for attackers to exploit. The only method to save yourself from being hacked is to disable SSL3.0 in your browsers and at your web hosting servers. You can test your browsers’ vulnerability by visiting this website using the browser you wish to check: ssllabs.com.

Disable SSL 3.0

To protect yourself against Poodle security attacks, you might want to turn off or lock down SSL 3.0 in your web browser. Internet Explorer: Open the Internet Options dialog from Control Panel and go to the advanced tab. Check for Use SSL 3.0 and uncheck it.

Microsoft has released a Fix-It that lets users disable SSL 3.0 in Internet Explorer. Microsoft has also announced that SSL 3.0 will be disabled in the default configuration of Internet Explorer and across Microsoft online services over the coming months, and recommends that customers migrate clients and services to more secure security protocols, such as TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2. Firefox: To get to the option to disable SSL3, type “about:config” in the address bar. Search for security.tls.version.min in the results or use the search bar to look for it. Double-click on the row and change the value from 0 to 1. This will force Firefox to use only TLS1.0 and above thereby disabling SSL3.0. Firefox has already said it will disable SSL 3.0 in their next release, just as they disabled Java 6 when the latter was found to be highly vulnerable. Google Chrome: It is not visible in the Settings. One has to add a parameter to the Chrome shortcut so that it disables SSL3 and forces TLS only. Right-click on its shortcut and select Properties. In the field labeled Target, append –ssl-version-min=tls1. So your path should appear as: Even Google has said that, in the coming months, it hopes to remove support for SSL 3.0 completely from all its client product. Site owners or Hosts: As a web site owner or a web host, you should consider disabling SSL 3 on your servers, as soon as possible For complete details of the POODLE attack and SSL 3.0 vulnerability, please visit oracle.com.