Stop Office from automatically maximizing minimized documents
The problem mainly appears in Windows 10. If you have a minimized document in Microsoft Word and try to open a new document in the same both the new and the minimized document are opened/maximized. The same could happen in Microsoft Excel as well. I happened to stumble upon a thread accidentally which proposes to make changes in the Registry Editor to solve the problem. If you do not mind making changes to your Registry Editor, back up your Registry and then proceed further. Type, ‘regedit’ in Seach boxand hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. When opened, navigate to the following path –
Double-click on Default and add the “/q” switch to (Default) at the end. The original Value Name is ‘Default’ and Value Data is: add the “/q” command in ‘Value Data’ field by double-clicking the ‘Default’ key and changing it. It should look like this-
Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer. Once done, you’ll notice that the startup screen doesn’t show up anymore. Plus, when you open a document, minimize, then open other windows and minimize, each time the new window doesn’t bring the others back up. Hope this works for you!