StreamBIN online file transfer service

Most of the online file transfer services need to upload the file from one computer and then another person can download that file from that site. Nevertheless, StreamBin works in a different way. Users do not have to upload their files to StreamBin. Like the name suggests, StreamBin will stream the file to another computer in real time. No uploading is required to send a file over StreamBin. But, this particular workaround has a disadvantage. While streaming the file, both of the computers (sender and recipient) need to be connected to the internet. If any of the computers gets disconnected during streaming, the transfer will be interrupted. Apart from this issues, StreamBin is a pretty good service that is completely free. It is possible to send any kind of file including .exe, .txt, .docx, .pptx, .zip, .mp3, .mp4 and so on. The best part is that you can transfer multiple files and multiple formats at the same time. To upload and download the file from StreamBin, open the StremBin website in your browser. You can find a select files button on your screen. Google Chrome users will get select directory button as well. If you want to send one file, just opt for the first option and if you want to send a folder, choose the second option. The official website has not mentioned any maximum file size limit. During the test, I have sent 220mb of a file using StreamBin. The official website has not mentioned any maximum file size limit. During the test, I have sent a 220 MB file using StreamBin. After selecting the file/folder, StreamBin will give you a unique URL that you need to send to the person, who will download your file. You can also use the QR code method.

Now, here is an important thing that you need to keep in mind. You CANNOT refresh your screen. If you refresh your screen, the link will be gone and so will be the file. Sounds useful? Click here to visit the website. Hope you find this service useful.