Cheap USB Cables & chargers can harm your PC

When USB cables and chargers are not properly made they can harm your PC and other devices. This can be due to but not limited to several factors, these will be discussed in detail. We will look at these in more detail below.

1] Overheat due to cheap components

When USB cables and chargers are not made from proper material and components they are prone to overheating as they may not be rated for the voltage they will carry. Overheating can be due to wires being too large or too small for the charge it is required to carry. This overheating will eventually compromise the integrity of the wires and their insulation, thus making them more harmful to your PC, phones, and other devices that they are connected to. When wires are broken, they do lose the ability to transmit sufficient power to devices, thus causing them to overheat.

2] Breakage/shortage occurs easily and can damage PC and other devices

Breakage/Shortage will occur easier in cheaply made USB cables and chargers as they are from unreliable materials. When there is shortage wires are exposed, and they will eventually touch each other, this also can cause overheating. When USB cables are damaged, they can cause the USB component in the PC to be overloaded and can damage internal components. You might get an error message saying; “a component is requiring more power than can be supplied.” This can then cause components inside the PC to be damaged or become temporarily unavailable. 

3] Overheat due to overload

Cheaply made USB cable and chargers are not necessarily made to handle the load that is required to charge a device. They do overheat and when they overheat the integrity of the wires and the insulation will be eventually compromised. Whenever wire must carry more or less electricity than it is rated for, it will produce heat, in the wires, and also in the device. There is also a danger to the user as it can cause fires. Lots of users do sleep with devices on their beds or other flammable materials (cloth, paper, etc). These cheaply made cable and chargers can eventually cause the PC or other devices to heat up causing a fire. 

4] Breakage/shortage will eventually cause holes in insulation

Breakage /shortage will eventually compromise insulation which is supposed to protect the wires. When wires touch, they short out and can damage PC components or cause them to malfunction. Since you pay so much for your PC and other devices, it would make sense to invest in genuine USB cables and chargers.


Cheap USB cables and chargers may be able to do more damage than good, they may cost less but they can do a lot of damage. It is best to use tested and tried items to plug into your PC and other devices. And if you do think about it, cheap USB cables and chargers are not cheap, they do not last long so you end up spending more to buy new ones in a short period of time. If we all remember when we but genuine devices, the cables and chargers that came with them usually lasted quite a while. It is just best to go for what is best, you will be happier in the long run.