Voicemod not working or changing voice

If Voicemod is not working or changing your voice, the first thing that you should try is to restart your Windows computer and then check if the problem disappears. If this does not help, try the solutions provided below. Below, we have explained all these fixes in detail.

1] Restart Voicemod

Let’s start with restarting the Voicemod software. Restart it and see if this brings any changes. Go through the following instructions:

Now check if it is working properly. If not, try the next solution.

2] Launch Voicemod as an administrator

Try to launch Voicemod with administrative privileges and see if this fixes your problem. Some apps or games require administrative privileges. If Voicemod is not working in a particular game but working in other games, the issue might be occurring due to administrative privileges. First, close Voicemod if it is already running and then kill it using the Task Manager as explained above. Now, right-click on the Voicemod desktop shortcut and select Run as Administrator. Now, check if it is working properly. If this works well, you can make Voicemod always run as administrator.

3] Check your input and output devices in Voicemod

Check if you have selected the right input and output devices in Voicemod. Some users were not able to hear themselves in Voicemod. When they checked, they found that they had selected the wrong output device. The steps to configure input and output devices in Voiceod are written below:

4] Check if you have configured your game settings correctly

If you are unable to use Voicemod in your game, check if you have configured it in your game settings properly. We have explained the steps to figure Voicemod in some gaming apps below.

How to configure Voicemod in Steam

The steps to configure Voicemod in Steam are provided below:

How to configure Voicemod in Discord

The steps to configure Voicemod in Discord are as follows:

If you are still experiencing issues with Voicemod in Discord, open Discord settings and select Voice & Video from the left side. Now, disable the following options.

Automatically determine input sensitivity. After disabling this option, move its slider to the left (-100 dB).Noise Suppression.Echo Cancellation.Noise Reduction.Automatic Gain Control.

5] Disable your antivirus and firewall temporarily

Sometimes, antivirus and firewalls prevent apps or games from working properly. We suggest you disable your antivirus or firewall temporarily and see if this helps. If Voicemod starts working after disabling your antivirus or firewall, you have to exclude Voicemod in your firewall and antivirus. Refer to the product guide of your antivirus to know how to exclude a program.

6] Reinstall Voicemod driver

The corrupted or outdated Voicemod driver also prevents Voicemod from working fine. You can fix this problem by reinstalling the Voicemod driver. The steps to do this are as follows:

Windows will detect the hardware changes automatically on the restart and install the Voicemod driver automatically. If the driver is not installed automatically, open the Device Manager and go to “Action > Scan for hardware changes.” This will install the missing Voicemod driver.

7] Run Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

The Voicemod might not be working properly or changing voice due to compatibility issues. Running the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter can help. Follow the steps provided below:

The above steps will launch the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. Let the troubleshooter detect and fix the problem. If it does not fix your problem, run Voicemod in compatibility mode.

8] Run Voicemod in Compatibility mode

If the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter fails to fix the problem, go through the following instructions to run Voicemod in compatibility mode.

Now, launch Voicemod and check if the issue is fixed. Running Voicemod in compatibility mode has fixed the problems of some users.

9] Uninstall and reinstall Voicemod

If none of the above solutions helped you, uninstall Voicemod, download its latest version from the official website, and install it again. You can uninstall Voicemod either from the Control Panel or from Windows 11/10 Settings. Read: Sound is missing or not working on Windows 11/10.

Why is my Voicemod Voice Changer not working?

There could be many reasons why your Voicemod Voice Changer is not working. One of the causes is corrupted or outdated Voicemod driver. Such types of issues can be fixed by reinstalling the problematic device driver. Open the Device Manager and uninstall the Voicemod driver. After that restart your computer.

How do you change your voice in Voicemod?

To change your voice in Voicemod, select Voicebox from the left side. After that, you will see different voices. Click on any of the voices and speak in the microphone. If you do not see different voices, enable the VOICE CHANGER option at the bottom. If you want to hear yourself, turn on the HEAR MYSELF button on the bottom left side. You can also change the settings of the selected voice by moving the sliders provided on the right pane. The free version of Voicemod has only a limited number of voices. If you want to use more voices, you have to purchase its Pro version. Moreover, creating a custom voice option is also available in the Voicemod pro version. Read next: Mic or Microphone not working on Windows 11/10.

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