What is a VPN

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. VPNs can be used to access region-restricted websites, shield your browsing activity from prying eyes on public Wi-Fi, and more. In very simple terms, a VPN connects your PC, smartphone, or tablet to another computer (called a server) somewhere on the internet, and allows you to browse the internet using that computer’s internet connection. So if that server is in a different country, it will appear as if you are coming from that country, and you can potentially access things that you couldn’t normally.

So how does a VPN help you?

Good question! You can use a VPN to: So for the summary, from all the risks online we can say that today, everybody needs a VPN.

How do you get a VPN, and Which one should you choose?

With all of the different programs out there geared towards keeping your online transactions safe, selecting the right one can be a bit difficult. For years, people have used a VPN to stay anonymous while online. Over 30 million people have used this service loyally and for good reasons. So, how do you choose the best VPN for your Windows PC? Here are just some of the benefits that come with using a VPN.

Easily Hide Your IP Address

The only way you are identified when surfing around online is by your internet protocol (IP) address. This is a numeric value that is assigned to your home’s network. If you are tired of being tracked with this number, then using a VPN program is a great option. With a VPN, your IP address will be replaced with one from the VPN team. This means you will not have to worry about third-party apps or even your internet provider knowing where you have been online. The whole idea behind the internet was to remain anonymous, which is why using a VPN is essential. Read: Difference between VPN and Antivirus explained

VPN allows you to access Restricted Websites

Are you having trouble getting on certain websites due to censored materials or geo-restrictions? Not being able to go to the places you want to on the internet can be downright frustrating. Failing to mask your IP address will only create more problems if you try to access these restricted sites. There are a number of internet service providers who may suspend your service if you visit or download content from restricted sites. Instead of dealing with this headache, you can take advantage of a VPN and hide your IP from prying eyes.

Make your Online Transactions safer

Most people fail to realize just how easy it is for a hacker to access their browsing history, view their online conversations and take a peek at their online transactions. If a hacker can get their hands on your IP address, it is only a matter of time before they know intimate details about your life. Instead of leaving your personal information at risk, you can use a VPN to prevent these problems. By getting rid of your IP, you can stay protected even if you are using a public WIFI network. These days, you can never be too careful when it comes to cyber-security, which is why using this program makes sense. The money paid for a VPN program will be worth it considering how much protection it can offer you online. Read: What is a VPN tunnel?

You can block Malicious Content with VPN

With a VPN program on your computer, you will have no problem blocking out malicious content. Each time you access a website, this program will run it through a database to make sure it is safe. Their dedicated database is updated constantly, which means they will be able to let you know if a website has been flagged as unsafe. The last thing you want to do is get a virus on your computer due to visiting a malicious website. You can avoid these problems by getting this program today. Read: VPN vs GPN – Differences Explained.

Get Protection for all of your Devices

Another benefit that comes with using a VPN program is that it allows you to protect multiple devices for one price. The software can be downloaded on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS platforms. This means that all of your personal data will be kept away from the prying eyes of hackers and third parties.

Can anyone track you if you use a VPN?

If you use a good quality VPN your web traffic and IP address cannot be tracked. But if you use a poor quality VPN, you could still be tracked.