What are Snap Layouts in Windows 11?

Snap Layouts, a Windows 11 feature, allows maximizing productivity with screen structuring on virtual desktops. They are flyouts that show multiple Snap layout options when you hover a mouse on the “Maximize” window button of the app window. But, the number of snap layouts available differ as to the display’s physical properties. Ultra-wide displays have more options than traditional displays. To create a Snap Layout, you need to create a Snap group. You can then choose the apps in each box of the layout and adjust them as per your requirements.

How to create Snap Layouts in Windows 11?

Follow the next steps:

What is Snap Groups in Windows 11?

Snap Groups, a Windows 11 feature is a set of open programs, adjusted and saved in the Snap Layouts. You can see the app separately as well as in the layout, and the taskbar. Snap Groups help you to access multiple programs easily, increasing your work productivity.

Read: How to use Snap Bar in Windows 11.

What are Smart Layouts of Windows 11

Smart Layout helps you restore Snap Layouts with a single click. You can restore Windows positioning and its sizes as per the layouts that you saved previously. Smart Windows helps you save the screen configuration that you create using Snap Layouts or apps manual arrangement. It also supports auto-restoration capability in numerous profiles, with up to six displays.

Smart window features:

Helps restore Snap Groups with Snap Layouts.Can arrange and adjust multiple apps on the screen, as well as save and restore apps anytime.Can restore several browsers and tabs with respective URLs.Remembers each app size and position on the window.Can restore multiple MS Office files like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.Helps create and save Snap Groups on multiple displays and profiles.

Smart Layouts versus Snap Layouts

Snap Layouts helps you to organize multiple apps in the given layouts. It also provides access to a central interface with smooth switching in-between applications. You can also have a fish-eye view of the apps. But, please note that you cannot overlap one window over the other in Snap Layouts. The windows will resize and adjust accordingly. Smart Layouts helps you restore Snap Groups at any given time. You need to save the screen configuration after creating Snap Groups. You can also create Snap Groups on multiple products and displays. You can manually arrange apps, overlap, and save the screen configuration that can be any time. We hope that this guide will help you work with Snap Layouts and Smart Layouts.